Friday, December 9, 2011

Social media and SEO

As search engines make deals with social sites like Twitter, it’s obvious that social media affects SEO. Matt Cutts, who works in Google’s Web Spam team, once said:

I filmed a video back in May 2010 where I said that we didn’t use “social” as a signal, and at the time, we did not use that as a signal, but now, we’re taping this in December 2010, and we are using that as a signal.But the question really isn’t if social media affects SEO. It’s more so on how it affects SEO, right?

The rise of Google’s social search feature

Now, before you think that the increased relevance of social search recommendations is some sort of new craze resulting from the launch of the Google Plus social network, consider that Google launched the first version of its Google Social Search tool back in October 2009 and rolled the service out to all users in January 2010.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adding meta tags to blogs/websites

I describe here about how to add meta tags to your blogger(blogspot) blogs or any website. Adding meta tags is very important if you want to get some good traffic from search engines like google,yahoo,msn,etc,especially the meta description part is the most important one.
Meta tags are the tags which describes your site and tells the search engines what your site is all about. Adding meta tags is an important factor in Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Meta tags allows search engines to index your web pages more accurately. In other words,Meta tags communicate with the search engines and tells more information about your site and make your webpages index correctly and accurately.